Water & Land Use Planning Tools
Water Supply Planning
With this module you can evaluate alternative water supply sources such as rain and stormwater, deep drainage, wastewater (e.g. sewage treatment plants, abattoirs etc), grey water and groundwater. With the water demand module you can then evaluate what you can do with this water.
Water Storage
The water storage module enables you to size your water storage based on supply and demand scenarios and impacts such as evaporation and infiltration.
Water Demand
The water demand module enables you to assess how much water will you need based on climate and crop/land cover/land use scenarios? This then informs water supply and water management.
Water Management
The water management module enables you to assess the impacts of management interventions on water demand. For example, if you were to amend the soil with biochar or compost, what would be the benefits in terms of water use efficiency.
Nutrient Management
Losing nutrients via run-off or leaching means loss of dollars as well as detrimental environmental impacts. The nutrient management module enables you to model various things such as crop type and cover, irrigation system type, soil amendment and other management interventions to reduce nutrient loss.
Best Practice Databases
Best practice databases are an essential tool for knowledge transfer. They provide your team or community of practice with fingertip access to relevant, expert information to support planning and management processes.