Towards Net Zero: Feedstock Analysis for Regional Bioenergy & Biochar Planning
Early in October I gave a presentation to the Towards Net Zero: On-Farm Renewables & Biochar Forum in Manjimup, Western Australia. The presentation focused on using land use data for planning regional bioenergy and biochar production from pyrolysis and addressed both supply side (feedstock) analysis and demand side (market) analysis. This article focuses on using land use data in feedstock analysis and estimating bioenergy and biochar production from pyrolysis. It will be of interest to those involved with resource recovery planning, bioenergy and biochar planning, facility planning, regional development and climate change adaptation.

A Circular Economy Approach to Achieving Greener Cities, Better Urban Water Management & Net Zero: The Stockholm System
For many years the City of Stockholm has been pyrolysing its green waste to create bioenergy and biochar which is contributing to Net Zero and better urban water management while helping to create a greener, cooler city. The biochar is used along with compost and recycled rock to create structural soil which retains stormwater and nutrients and is used in municipal tree pits, raingardens, turf areas and other landscaping. This is providing multiple benefits including:
Healthy trees and larger tree canopies.
Increased drought tolerance and reduced irrigation demand.
Reduced stormwater runoff.
Improved stormwater quality and reduced eutrophication.
The Stockholm system is now being adopted by cities globally. This article discusses some opportunities for applying the Stockholm System to Australian cities and towns.

Using National Map, Australia’s Spatial Data Mapping Tool
National Map is a portal to Australia’s spatial data containing over 13,000 datasets from more than 50 data custodians, from all levels of government across Australia. In this article I provide some examples of how I’ve used it in recent projects.

Towards Zero Waste: Opportunities for Bio-based Fertilisers (Digestate & Biochar) in Mining, Forestry, Municipal, NRM and Landcare
30th March was Zero Waste day. This article describes opportunities for processing wastewater sludge into bio-based soil conditioners and fertilisers for potential use in mining, forestry, municipal, NRM and Landcare to facilitate place-based Circular Economies.

Using Australia’s Land Use Mapping Dataset
A case study of how we used Australia’s land use mapping dataset to assist planning for potential resource recovery facilities across Australia